Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Fuck you cancer, you wont win!!! My God is stronger than you. 6/12/18 the day before the PET scan results. We are all concerned but gods got me!!

1/7/2020 Update- by the will of God all is well!! ( better late than never. )

Sunday, June 3, 2018

The beginning

Some of you may have experienced new beginnings and may be fond of them, in this instance I detest my new beginning!

It was the beginning of 2014 and I had just turned 42 in November 2013. I had my first mammogram in September of 2013 and after which I recieved a letter stating the results were inconclusive and I needed to come back for more tests.  I had heard often that your breast tissue is denser during your menstrual cycle so I chalked the letter up to that since it rad the first day of my cycle when i had my first mammogram.  Then another came,  and another... four to be exact and then the registered letter came.  I cried a bit reading it thinking something must really be wrong. Why would they send a registered letter if there wasn't something wrong.  By this time it was going into the new year(2014) so I made the next appointment at my gynecologists office. They took me in a room and squished my small breasts into pancakes. Needless to say this hurt pretty bad. The tech asked me to wait in the waiting room after the test for the results.  About 15 mins later she said I need you to come with me the first set of pictures didn't give us a clear view. Three sets of pictures later it was decided I needed an ultrasound and after that it was suggested I schedule a biopsy. At this point it was my first time going through this so I was not sure what to expect. I went to the front desk to schedule the biopsy and the nurse said "is tomorrow at 8 am good?" It was precisely that moment that I began to worry.  I thought to myself "it takes weeks to get an appointment and they want me back the next day.  Something must be wrong"
The biopsy was painful. They said I would only feel pressure but when the got deep into the tissue there was stabbing pain.  Thank God it was over quickly. This test was on a Tuesday and I was advised the results would be back in 3 days so when I got a call from the nurse at the office at 8 PM Wednesday night,  I knew something was definitely wrong and then I heard the words everyone dreads  ..... YOU HAVE CANCER.